The meeting of twins does not have a clear course. Within the framework of this theory, it is possible to identify several stages that often occur in such encounters.
- Attraction - this stage is characterized by the strong attraction that the twins feel toward each other. They may feel that they are connected to each other on a spiritual and emotional level, but they don't necessarily know what that means.
- Warnings - at this stage there may be various warnings, both from the outside world and from their own egos. Twins may be warned that an encounter with their twin will be too difficult, intense or impossible to endure.
- Encounter - this stage may be the first time that the twin has been warned that an encounter with their twin will be too difficult, intense or impossible to endure.
- Meeting - this stage is characterized by the physical meeting of the twins. It can occur spontaneously or be the result of a deliberate effort by one of the twins.
- Opening up - after meeting, the twins often experience an opening up to each other and on a spiritual, emotional and intellectual level. They are able to share their experiences, emotions and thoughts with each other, and gain insights into themselves and their twin.
- Separation - the stage is set for the twins to open up to each other, and they are able to share their experiences, emotions and thoughts with each other, and gain insights into themselves and their twin.
- Separation - The separation stage occurs when one or both twins decide to separate. This can occur because of difficulties they face in the relationship or because of the need for individual growth. Separation does not mean the end of the relationship, but rather the transformation and development of the relationship in a new direction.
A meeting with a twin soul is usually very intense and can bring out many strong emotions and sensations in you. They are generally considered to be people who are extremely spiritually and energetically connected, and their relationship is extremely strong and deep.
Synchronicity in a twin flame relationship consists of frequent and unusual convergences that occur between partners. This can include, for example, thinking about each other frequently, discovering that they share common interests or passions, as well as chance encounters in completely unexpected places.
One of the most common ways in which synchronicity manifests itself in a twin flame relationship is through the appearance of repeating numbers, such as 111, 222, 333, and so on. People who believe in twin flame believe that these numbers are signs from the universe to remind them of their relationship and point them to the right way to develop it.
Synchronicity in a twin flame relationship is seen as proof that the relationship is destined and that the partners are connected to each other on a spiritual and energetic level.
If you are not sure you have met your TF, a tarot card layout can reveal information about the spiritual connection between two people, including twin flames. While there is no one specific hand of cards that unambiguously indicates that a person is a twin flame, there are certain cards that are often associated with this concept.
Example cards that may indicate a spiritual connection between two people are:
The Knight of Swords card - symbolizes a young soul, ready to explore new experiences and learn from its spiritual partner.
The Nine of Cups card - symbolizes the happiness and fulfillment that can come from the union of two souls.
The Six of Cups card - symbolizes emotional serenity and the discovery of deep feelings between two people.
The Two of Chalices card - symbolizes the connection between two souls who are connected on an emotional and spiritual level.
The Card of the Sun - symbolizes the connection between two souls who complement and support each other.
It is important to remember, however, that the interpretation is made on the basis of the entire arrangement of cards. Tarot is a tool that reveals insights into the relationship between two people if it is in the hands of an experienced person conducting the reading. Ultimately, the decision as to whether or not a person is or is not a twin flame depends largely on the individual's feelings and spiritual intuition.