Welcome to Start Astrology

Discover the world of astrology, delve into zodiac signs, explore retrogrades, and much more! Gain clarity in your life by understanding the cosmic forces that shape it.

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Start Astrology

Aslan Seraphim, a natural-born medium, grew up in a family deeply rooted in spiritual practices. After studying psychology in college, he felt compelled to merge modern science with his intuitive gifts. With this vision, he launched Start Astrology, an online platform offering everything from tarot readings to astrological insights. Aslan's unique blend of academic rigor and spiritual intuition quickly gained the website a loyal following. Within a few years, Start Astrology became the #1 destination for those seeking both spiritual and life guidance, solidifying its reputation as a trusted name in psychic services.

Using my gifts through Start Astrology is my way of giving back. It's not just foresight; it's empowering others to shape their future.

If you are interested in exploring yourself in a new way, join our community to get a connection.



Navigating Life's Challenges
with Astrological Wisdom


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Our experienced mediums will help you see past the past and into the future.

Live Chat Readings

Connect instantly with experienced psychics through a secure and confidential live chat interface for real-time guidance.

Astrology Reports

Generate personalized astrology charts and reports to gain insights into your love life, career, and personal growth.

Tarot Card Readings

Choose from a variety of tarot spreads to receive detailed interpretations and answers to your most pressing questions.

Helps you in your Career

Astrological knowledge is a beacon, illuminating potential career paths that align with your inherent talents and aspirations.

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About Start Astrology


StartAstrology.com is your premier gateway to the enchanting universe of astrological insight, blending ancient wisdom with contemporary understanding to bring clarity and enlightenment to your life’s journey. We are a haven for celestial curiosity, offering a plethora of astrological services including daily horoscopes, in-depth birth chart analyses, and synastry reports, designed to empower and inspire you. Our team of seasoned astrologers works diligently to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos, providing guidance to traverse your unique celestial roadmap with wisdom and confidence.

We extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to all the celestial seekers and astrological enthusiasts! Whether you are a zodiac novice exploring the stars for the first time or a seasoned astrologer seeking deeper insights, StartAstrology.com is a sanctuary where your astrological spirit can roam freely, explore, and find its cosmic connections. We strive to create a nurturing and inclusive community where questions are welcomed, exploration is encouraged, and enlightenment is a shared journey. Discover the illuminating wisdom the stars hold for you and let the cosmic dance guide your path to self-discovery and fulfillment.


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